Thursday, November 20, 2008

Designer Caps

After my Doctor visit yesterday, I was issued a lovely mesh cap to wear over the non-adhesive bandage that I apply daily to the surgery location. This cap is not fashionable, but could be once I post a picture of it on this blog. However, I haven't reach the point of acceptance of the new item enough to share - but stay tuned, you never know what I might do. I have received a number of requests for pictures of this lovely fashion statement. 

With all that said, the post-op visit went well, although the pathology report had not arrived yet. Everything is healing as expected, and my surgeon was confident that Mel and his little cancer carrying buddies had been eliminated.

I will breathe better once I get the final pathology report, but my doctor's confidence was a big boost for me. I have one more follow-up visit next Wednesday. Until them I will rest, read, do some "work-from-home", and listen to my cats sing with joy that I am home with them all day.

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